Interior Studio has set certain terms and conditions for the usage of services on the website. By clicking on agreeing, you are bound to accept the terms and conditions of the website mentioned. The terms and conditions are nothing but the closure of agreement between the user and company for the services used on the website.
We understand that you agree to the terms of the services we have mentioned to access any service of the website. Please read the following statements and conditions thoroughly and get a detailed understanding of the legally bound terms of the company. Here in the following statements, to have a better understanding, we refer we, our, us as Interior studio and you, your, user or visitor as the end use of the service or website.
It is always your choice to agree to the terms of service, if you do not want to agree on the terms, you cannot access the service. For security reasons and data protection, the terms and conditions page is shown every time you access the page or service. For certain services, other additional terms are been added to the website, this makes it mandatory to bound by the terms and conditions in order to access the site and use the services.
- General- User shows the agreement to the terms of services on using the services and browsing the website.
- By using the services you are bound to use the services and not misuse the data on the website. You shall not misuse the information or data breach the services on the website for any other commercial purposes.
- You need to declare that you are not a robot to follow safety principles and security measures.
- We may suspend or eliminate the services at any time if we find the services are been malfunctioned and manipulated under any circumstances.
- Under the law of the Indian Government, our services are not accessible to minors and hence we do not encourage minors at such a young age to get disturbed by other factors.
- Account registration is required to access a few services of the website and hence, you need to give little information to agree to these terms and we assure you the data is protected and governed by security standards.
- Password is given when you are registering for the first time on the website and it is kept highly secured and confidential to protect the data by agreeing on the terms.
- Users are not advised to perform any activities or fill any surveys without the consent of the company
- Any discrepancy occurred in the user profile and transactions are not warranted by the company
- Users are granted limited access like posting, liking, commenting on the website. Besides these using the services for personal representation is not authorized by the company.
- The company is not responsible for any data breach of the users or delay in the services.
- The users may not agree to the terms or delete the account if you are no longer accessing the website.
- Your safety is our utmost priority and we make our platform is safe for our users. In the case of allegations of abuse, you can report to our customer care.
- No compensation is been provided to the users for their feedback to the services used.
- This company is registered under the Indian companies act, 1956 and hold the license and copyrights, Any misinterpretation of the data will be reported.
For any further information on the terms and conditions, you can contact our customer support.